Episode 82-The Lyrics of TJ Zindle

You might already know TJ Zindle from his first band Last Conservative or more recently from shredding guitars in his sister's band Erin Zindle and the Ragbirds, BUT I'm excited to talk to him about his songwriting! Go ahead over to Bandcamp and get his NEWEST album 'Now Let Go', the follow up to 2017's 'Hold On With All Your Might'. What a great follow up name right? That's a good start. But then dive into his last couple of albums too. They rock and they feel. We talk about his creative release during the 2020 shutdown, which came in the form of prolific writing and recording in his basement using Garageband and the space granted to him by the stopping of the world. We talk about songs that make us cry and songs that should be honky tonk covers. We talk about getting better at life and never giving up on rock and roll. Shout outs to his lovely wife Flavia, Mike Zeis, Josh Mullin, and Jamie Candiloro.


Episode 84-The work of Shel Silverstein


Episode 81-The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald